Going big is a frame of mind. A word about the name "Wray". It's a family name and one of my nick names.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
New Beginnings
My mom was a unique woman of impeccable integrity, unparalleled strength, boundless enthusiasm and endless compassion. She was the sort of woman who could relate to people of all backgrounds without compromising her ideals. And, no matter what happened - somehow, even in the darkest hours of her greatest challenges, she always moved forward with her heart wide open.
I’ve been thinking about my mom often these past few months. She’d be proud of how I lifted us out of our slum into a respectable home. This is definitely a new beginning, a new home-base as well as a new cast of characters. Left behind is the Old cast of characters: "Mr. BB-Gun", "the creepy guy" and the "potheads".
Today we move forward with our hearts wide open ... enjoying our newly-earned surroundings. Yup ... this is a new beginning, catapulting ourselves into a nurturing place where we can recharge, renew, and ready for our next adventure.
Carpe Diem!